Touring the Mid-Century in Scottsdale

During the 1950s, the resurgent national economy enabled more Americans to travel in search of recreation and leisure. The Salt River Valley's inviting weather, unique landscapes, and rapidly expanding variety of cultural commodities made it a popular choice for enthusiastic tourists. Their enthusiasm came along with a purchasing power that resulted in a steady stream of income for the area.

Western names and stylized architecture are Old Town's lasting memorials to early Scottsdale's efforts to craft a unique identity for the town—one that would bring tourists in and set Scottsdale apart from other westward destinations. This foundation has resulted in a thriving Scottsdale…
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During the 1950s Craftsman Court and Fifth Avenue were the heart of Scottsdale’s robust and vibrant arts scene. This vibrancy was both cause and symptom of Scottsdale’s newly inaugurated status as a glamorous, tourist destination. National publications like Life Magazine and People and Places…
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