Overview of Vulture City.

Overview of Vulture City.
Vulture City's post office was established October 4, 1880 and was discontinued April 24, 1897. Discovered by Henry Wickenburg in 1863, Vulture was one of the richest gold mines yielding $15/ ton. By 1870 there were 200 inhabitants. Eventually, an 80 stamp mill was erected. Oddly enough, some of the original buildings were made from discarded ore from the mine and after the mill was in operation, these buildings were torn down and run through the mill resulting in about $2000 in gold from the assay office alone. Wickenburg died a pauper despite the fact that his mine produced millions in gold. He ended his own life with a colt revolver. | Date: c. 1900 | Source: Peoria Historical Society
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